How to bring clients into the 21st Century

Everyone has at least one of these clients. Utterly uninterested in new technology or pretty much anything from the 21st century. They love their shoebox of receipts, their paper ledgers, and manual calculators and want to stick to using them. Their love of the...

Does Your Financial Reporting Boost Revenue?

Today’s financial reporting goes far beyond what it did in the past. Forget those QuickBooks reports of yesteryear. Technology has changed how and when we receive business information. In turn, along with how it affects the decisions we make to boost revenue. Here in...

How saying “no” can make you more successful.

“Really Successful People Say No To Almost Everything” -Warren Buffett Why is saying “no” so difficult? Whether in the business world or our personal lives, we want to help people, we want to please our friends and family. We have a fear of letting someone down or...

3 Purposes of Writing Annual Reports

Can you believe it is October? At my house, the leaves are changing, and the temperature is dropping. These things tell me it is time for sweaters, football games, pumpkin spice everything, and if you are in the accounting industry, annual reports. Most companies...

Time is Money – 3 ways be more efficient.

Time is money. Wasted time means wasted money means trouble. -Shirley Temple The original quote of “Time is Money” came from Benjamin Franklin back in 1748. He wrote it in a manual for young men entering the business world — sound business advice 271 years...

Create a Financial Story with Your Reports.

Create Reports that are Understood and Appreciated This article could also be titled “Accomplish the seemingly impossible.” Seriously though, as an advisor, you honestly want your clients too truly understand where they stand financially. That’s why...