Accounting Blog

Support, tips, and more for accountants.


Overview of IFRS

Overview of IFRS: Understanding International Financial Reporting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of accounting guidelines developed to bring transparency, accountability, and efficiency to financial markets worldwide. Managed by...

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Overview of GAAP

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are a set of accounting standards, principles, and procedures used to ensure consistency, transparency, and comparability in financial reporting. They provide a framework for preparing financial statements, ensuring that...

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The Future of Financial Reporting

Navigating Tomorrow's Financial Landscape The landscape of financial reporting is undergoing a transformative shift driven by technological advancements, evolving business needs, and increasing demands for transparency and accuracy. As we look to the future, it's...

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Overcoming Common Financial Worries

Overcoming Common Financial Worries

As an accountant, you understand the fear that many business owners face when it comes to their finances. Confusion and uncertainty can lead to fear, which in turn can hold your clients back from future success. Your job as an accountant is to dispel that fear by...

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How to Analyze Financial Reports

How to Analyze Financial Reports

Have you ever forgotten the "Why" of Financial Reporting and Analysis? As you sit at your desk and create this month's financial reports for your clients, you may ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? Is this helping my clients at all? "It is essential always to keep...

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How to Create a Management Report

How to Create a Management Report

More than Financial Numbers Today’s business leaders are no longer satisfied with pure numbers. They demand valuable insights that contribute to better decision-making and strategy execution, especially around their most vital asset: their people. Increasing Your...

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How to Increase Efficiency & Grow

How to Increase Efficiency & Grow

Helping Clients Achieve Financial Goals Duncan Lloyd, the Executive Director of, a traditional firm of Profit First accountants, recently sat down with Reach Reporting to discuss how financial reporting helps his clients achieve their financial...

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How Accounts Balance Work & Life

How Accounts Balance Work & Life

There have been far too many times in my own life when I would go into work at 4:00 am to go home at 10:00 pm and go into my home office to work some more, only to do it all again in 3 more hours. I was not checking to make sure my business and life books were balanced, and I began resenting every day and becoming a person people avoided.

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How Much Do Accountants Make?

How Much Do Accountants Make?

The faux pas of discussing money and salaries is out the door for this article.  Whether we like it or not, money, and in turn salaries, are a BIG deciding factor in what career we study for, where we live, what jobs we accept, and how we live each day. 

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How to Enhance Financial Reports

How to Enhance Financial Reports

Financial reporting is SO much more than raw data in a spreadsheet. It is the story of your client’s business. A well-constructed financial report gives your client all the relevant information they need to make prudent financial decisions in a digestible, easy-to-understand form. 

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How to Understand Cash & Succeed at Business

How to Understand Cash & Succeed at Business

As a financial advisor, part of your job is teaching your clients. You are more than a report generator, number-puncher-inner, and tax preparer. Educating clients not only helps them but helps you as well. They become more versed in how the finances of a business run, which in turn can make their chances of success skyrocket. And you get a grateful client for life. 

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How to Turn Financial Data into Wisdom

How to Turn Financial Data into Wisdom

You can help your clients ask the right questions about the data you provide by presenting it as information. Data turns into information with context. By doing this, you will increase your value while improving your client’s decision-making for their business. When your clients don’t understand their data, they may miss opportunities to propel their business forward. 

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How Successful Accountants Simplify Data

How Successful Accountants Simplify Data

Now more than ever, clients are expecting clear communication from financial professionals. When a firm is lacking in its communication skills, that firm is missing out on revenue. The better a firm understands the value of good communication, the more likely it will implement and improve communication practices and policies.

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How to Help Clients Understand Financial Data

How to Help Clients Understand Financial Data

One of the most confusing aspects of a financial report is when accountants provide data without context. A 5% increase in revenue from last month sounds impressive but is it? Is the growth taking in the 10% increase in the cost of goods or the additional employees? Though there was a 5% increase in revenue, is your client realizing they dropped 8% in net profit?

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Managing the Remote Work Schedule

Managing the Remote Work Schedule

The pandemic has not only brought about health and economic concerns, but it has also significantly impacted the way we work. As we slowly emerge from this unprecedented time, we have learned that allowing employees to work remotely, at least part-time, may lead to...

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Making Data Visualization Effective

Making Data Visualization Effective

Here at Reach Reporting, we're all about creating charts and graphs that bring financial data to life. After all, a well-crafted chart can make complex spreadsheets much easier to understand and consume. But, in order to make charts effective, proper layout and color...

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Simplify Financial Reports

Simplify Financial Reports

We define accounting as “The Language of Business” because the accountant plays an essential role in interpreting that language to their client.  Therefore, the small business owner values an accountant who can help them understand the financial details of their business.  

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Remove Financial Reporting Stress

Remove Financial Reporting Stress

With the pandemic and financial, political, and social unrest, financial professionals are experiencing an unprecedented level of stress at work. According to a recent survey by staffing firm Accuntemps, 52 percent of financial professionals are stressed at work, and...

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Delivering Financial Clarity

Delivering Financial Clarity

Small business owners are the backbone of the American economy, with over 30 million businesses driving growth and innovation. However, many of these businesses struggle to understand their financials, leading to cash flow management problems and, ultimately, business...

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7 Tips to Create Happy Clients

7 Tips to Create Happy Clients

Happy clients are the lifeblood of any business, and this is especially true for those in the accounting industry. But how can you create happy CPA clients? How do you keep them coming back and referring you to their friends and colleagues? The key is to focus on...

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Value-Based Pricing for Accountants

Value-Based Pricing for Accountants

Are you tired of hourly billing and the constant pressure to track your time? Have you considered switching to a value-based pricing model that focuses on delivering the best possible results for your clients? If so, you're not alone. Many accounting firms are moving...

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Financial Literacy in Business

Financial Literacy in Business

When it comes to your business and having the necessary tools to reach your goals and grow the company, an accountant can be your best friend.  Take advantage of their expertise and listen when they explain what changes can help improve your business.  It all begins with the words, “I don’t understand.”

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A Conversation With Justin Hatch

A Conversation With Justin Hatch

Mr. Hatch is an industry expert in the field of business management specializing in software development and financial reporting. Justin has had nearly 20 years of management experience, and now is serving as CEO of Reach Reporting where his mantra is to absorb complexity wherever possible.

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Transform Financial Reports

Transform Financial Reports

Clients find Reports Difficult As an accountant, you know the importance of financial reporting and its impact on your clients' businesses. However, sometimes, clients find it difficult to understand the data presented in financial reports, making it challenging for...

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How to Build Financial Reports Fast

How to Build Financial Reports Fast

Reporting is Time-Consuming As an accountant, you know how time-consuming it can be to create financial reports for your clients. But what if you could save time without sacrificing the quality of your reports? That's where Reach Reporting's financial report templates...

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Make Your Offering Valuable

Make Your Offering Valuable

In any relationship, whether it be marriage, parent/child, student, or employee, when we are aware of the expectations, we can measure ourselves and do a better job fulfilling those expectations.  With this in mind, as a bookkeeper, what do your clients want and need...

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The Psychology of Visual Reporting

The Psychology of Visual Reporting

CPAs and Visual Psychology. You are left-brained, most of your clients are not.  I bet you are wondering why, as a CPA, you need to know anything about psychology and how the brain works and behaves. You may be thinking, "I work in financial data and numbers for a...

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What Clients Expect from a CPA

What Clients Expect from a CPA

Whether you are new to the accounting profession or a seasoned CPA with years of experience under your belt, knowing what your clients expect from you is vital. Specific needs may change over time, but there are a few essential requirements that will never change....

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Story Telling in Financial Reports

Story Telling in Financial Reports

When was the last time you found yourself nodding off while listening to an accountant speak about Tax Compliance or Understanding The Complexities Of Form 5472 And Its Transfer Pricing Implications? Seriously, if we are honest with ourselves, accounting can be...

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UPDATE: PPPFA Loan Changes

UPDATE: PPPFA Loan Changes

The ups and downs and sideways changes with the Payment Protection Progam continue! On June 5th, President Trump signed into law the PPPFA (Payment Protection Program Flexibility Act). Back in April, we posted this article on How to use your PPP loan. Since then, a...

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4 Ways to Stay Productive at Home

Most of us are spending much more time at home these days—much more time. You are most likely reading this from home at the kitchen table or living room couch. Some of you probably have a dog or cat staring at you, wondering why you are not at work. These are most...

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Two Key Changes to 2020 Tax Laws

Tax laws are ever-changing. This is not new, and keeping up with the changes is enough to make your head spin. This year the changes bring good news to those who want to spend less and save more money in 2020.  The IRS has made revisions in two places, making it...

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4 Financial KPI’s to Never Ignore

It’s the new year, and you have set some new or revised goals for your business. Excellent! Now what? How do I know if I am headed in the right direction? What information will help me course correct or tell me I am on the right path? Key Performance Indicators, or...

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Creating a Small Business Budget

Budget, it’s not a four-letter word, but to some people, it may as well be. You work hard and spend hours gathering the expected and unexpected costs of running a business, then add in potential income, and finally create a budget. Then only to struggle (and most...

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Do I need to use Cloud Accounting?

Unless you have been living under a rock, chances are you have heard the term "Cloud technology." It is becoming the new norm in many industries, including the accounting industry. Intuit predicts that 78% of small businesses will use cloud technology by 2020. Not...

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