Become a Proactive Financial Advisor

by | Jun 22, 2021

What you will learn in this article.

We all know the saying, “The one constant in the world is change.” The CPA world and especially their clients are no exception to this often-quoted rule. As the world emerges from a global pandemic, we have learned many lessons. First, we learned flexibility is necessary for adapting to those pesky unseen changes. Secondly, we learned that we need each other’s help to be successful during calm and not-so-calm times. These lessons (and many others) have changed the way we all conduct business and what expectations we should have from companies we do business with regularly.

CEOs, small business owners, and everyone in-between are no longer satisfied with the accountant of yesteryear. Instead, they have come to realize they are searching for a financial partner with two necessary traits: One they can trust to provide them accurate data in a way they understand and be proactive instead of reactive to the needs of their clients. No more just being a number cruncher; financial advisors are what people want and need.

“Accounting firms are quickly seeing the advantages of providing more than raw data to their client,” says Justin Hatch, CEO of Reach Reporting. “The accounting firms that don’t offer advisory services are losing their clients to firms that do or to automated online accounting apps.”

It is becoming less and less acceptable to be a reactive accountant who prepares taxes once a year, producing tedious and confusing financial reports. Your current and future clients want a forward-thinking approach to their financials.

Being proactive is the first habit mentioned in Stephen Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. While he is not speaking specifically about the accounting industry, it validates how essential being proactive can be in work and life.

Shifting your focus can be overwhelming, but here are three baby steps that may help you become the financial advisor your clients want and need.

Plan Ahead

Being organized with your time, planning as best you can for the week or month ahead is the best and most effective step to becoming more forward-thinking. Next, figure out what each of your clients will need from you in the coming week.

If necessary, sit down with each of your clients and ask them what is most important to them. For example, when is a good time to send them their reports? How would they like to receive them? Learning the answers to these questions will aid you in becoming the most effective financial advisor possible.

Set Goals

Goal setting to increase productivity applies to your firm’s goals but also your client’s goals. Once you are aware of your client’s goals, you have the unique ability to be their partner in reaching them. You will know what data and which KPI’s they need to understand and, in turn, be able to provide them with the exact financial reports to portray that information.


Not all tasks on your to-do list are created equal. Learning what is most important and putting it at the top of the list can be difficult. Often we default to the task we like to do or is the easiest to complete. This practice can lead to more extended workdays, missed deadlines, and burnout. A popular system called the Eisenhower Matrix is excellent at showing how to differentiate between the level of importance of your to-do list.

Be Flexible

Life happens. Sometimes urgent and unexpected things arise. While being proactive is the goal, sometimes we are forced to be reactive. Stay relatively calm, assess the situation, solve it, and then get back to those proactive habits! With Reach Reporting, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you can quickly and easily provide your clients with the financial information they need, even in the most unexpected of situations. With its user-friendly interface and speedy reporting process, Reach Reporting makes it easy for you to stay ahead of the curve and be proactive, even when life throws you a curveball. Try Reach Reporting today and see how it can transform the way you do business!

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